The English Teacher of SMK Taruna Jaya Prawira Tuban

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Teaching needs apppropriate metod to make it succesful. The teacher must be able to be interactive in the classroom. In this case, the teacher must do use the appropriate method for their class. In this paper, the writer will discuss the implementation of project based learning to improve the students’ competence in this paper. The focus of the discussion is The implementation of PBL in developing students’ competence. It runs succesfully. The writerr uses syntax of the project based learning learning model. It is is as follows.1. Determine basic questions Before entering the material, the teacher should give basic questions related to the material to be studied. These questions can be packaged in case studies in the real world followed by more in-depth research.2. Drafting the project planning design Drafting the project design is collaborative. That is, cooperation between teachers and students. This design contains a number of points, such as rules of play, activities, and presentation.

3. Make an activity schedule After the teacher and students have compiled the design of the project planning, proceed with making an activity schedule. 4. Monitor the progress of students’ performance As long as students work on assigned projects, 5. Testing the results of student performance. 6. Evaluating experience Evaluation of experience in the form of reflection from activities that have been carried out. 7. Present and publish the project

Key words: Implementation, Project based learniing, english competence

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  1. Introduction

Teaching is like an orchestra performance. The teacher must be able to be interactive in the classroom. So their students are interested to participate in their class. In this case, the teacher must do use the appropriate method for their class. Furthermore, the teachers must try to improve their students’ competence.  To do this, they must strive to create a conducive learning environment for their students. One way is to make students the center of activities to produce a product at the end of learning. This kind of learning is called project based learning. The writer will talk about the implementation of project based learning to improve the students’ competence in this paper.


This reasearch uses the tenht graders of SMK Taruna Jaya Prawira Tuban as the respondents. It consist of 33 students

2.1  Definition of Project Based Learning

Project based learning (PjBL) is a learning model that makes students the subject or center of learning, emphasizing the learning process that has a final result in the form of a product. That is, the students are given the freedom to determine their own learning activities, work on collaborative learning projects until the results are obtained in the form of a product. That is why the success of this learning is greatly influenced by the activity of the students.

2.2 The Definition of Project Based Learning

According to the Experts The experts may have different interpretations of the meaning, but the basic core remains the same. Project based learning is a learning model in the form of real tasks such as project work, group work, and in-depth to get a meaningful learning experience.   Project-based learning (PBL)”is a student-centered pedagogy that involves a dynamic classroom approach in which it is believed that students acquire a deeper knowledge through active exploration of real-world challenges and problems”. It is a style of active learning and inquiry-based learning. PBL contrasts with paper-based, rote memorization, or teacher-led instruction that presents established facts or portrays a smooth path to knowledge by instead posing questions, problems or scenarios.(3)

             Thomas Markham (2011) describes project-based learning (PBL) thus: “PBL integrates knowing and doing. Students learn knowledge and elements of the core curriculum, but also apply what they know to solve authentic problems and produce results that matter. PBL students take advantage of digital tools to produce high-quality, collaborative products. PBL refocuses education on the student, not the curriculum a shift mandated by the global world, which rewards intangible assets such as drive, passion, creativity, empathy, and resiliency. These cannot be taught out of a textbook, but must be activated through experience.

             Blumenfeld et al  (1991) states on the processes of PBL: “Project-based learning is a comprehensive perspective focused on teaching by engaging students in investigation. Within this framework, students pursue solutions to nontrivial problems by asking and refining questions, debating ideas, making predictions, designing plans and/or experiments, collecting and analyzing data, drawing conclusions, communicating their ideas and findings to others, asking new questions, and creating artifacts.” According to Goodman and Stivers, it is a teaching approach built on learning activities and real tasks that provide challenges for students related to daily life to be solved in groups.

It certainly contains the purpose to be achieved. The purpose of project based learning is as follows.

1. Training students’ proactive attitude in solving a problem.

2. Sharpening the ability of students in explaining a problem in class.

3. Increasing the activity of students in class in solving complex problems until real results are obtained.

4. Honing or sharpening the students’ skills in using tools and materials in class to support their learning activities.

5. Training the collaborative nature of students.

2.3. Syntax of Learning Model

There are seven steps of PBL. The seven steps of PBL model was validated by experts judgment and measured by Aiken coefficient significantly (0.796), also this syntax e reliable to be implemented in vocational learning process. The seven steps, consisting of: (1) the formulating the expected learning outcome, (2) understanding the concept of the teaching materials, (3) skills training, (4) designing the project theme, (5) making the project proposal, (6) executing the tasks of projects and (7) presentation of the project report.

Learning syntax is a stage or phase that must be done in learning. With syntax, the flow of learning activities becomes clear and structured. The syntax of the project based learning learning model is as follows.

1. Determine basic questions Before entering the material, the teacher should give basic questions related to the material to be studied. These questions can be packaged in case studies in the real world followed by more in-depth research.

2. Drafting the project planning design Drafting the project design is collaborative. That is, cooperation between teachers and students. This design contains a number of points, such as rules of play, activities, and presentation.

3. Make an activity schedule After the teacher and students have compiled the design of the project planning, proceed with making an activity schedule.

An example of the activity schedule is as follows.

 • Determine the timeline of the work

• Determine the deadline for the work

• Determine the new plan to complete the project

• Provide guidance for students who use methods outside the project.

 4. Monitor the progress of students’ performance As long as students work on assigned projects, teachers should actively monitor their activities. It aims to keep the learning atmosphere conducive. Monitor activities can be done using recorders or rubrics.

5. Testing the results of student performance The level of student achievement in completing the assigned project will be tested and evaluated by the teacher. This assessment is expected to provide feedback for student understanding. Performance results can also be used by teachers to plan strategies for further learning.

 6. Evaluating experience Evaluation of experience in the form of reflection from activities that have been carried out. At this stage, the teacher can have a light discussion with the students related to the experience while working on the project.

7. Present and publish the project

At this stage the students present and publish their project. It can be done by presenting infront of the class or sticking their proect in classroom wall


After understanding the syntax above, pay attention to the following example of project based learning.

Subject: ENGLISH Class X


By the end of Phase E, Students use English and exchange ideas, expeiences, interest, opinions, and views wit teacher and others in an familiar forml and informal contents. They explain and clarify their aansswers using basic sentence structure and verb tenses.

time allocation: 4 meetings

Topcs: Descriptve text

– Determination of basic questions

 Students are given an overview about descritive text, then asked to write down his curiosity in the form of a question. For example, “can we describe our school lirary?”, How many books are there in the library? How many librarian are there? Etc.

– The teacher together with the students started to make a preliminary plan about the effort to write descriptive text. For the rules of play, project work should be organized collaboratively between students and teachers, for example the subject discussion, the length of time, and the project done individually or in groups.

– Making an activity schedule The schedule is prepared by the students and teacher so that the project can be completed on time.

– Monitoring the students’ work

In this stage, the teacher monitors the students’ work in writing descriptive text.

– The teacher asses the students’ texts. In this assessment, the teacher gives feedback to the students’ work.  Performance results can also be used by teachers to plan strategies for further learning.

-Evaluating experience

Evaluation of experience in the form of reflection from activities that have been carried out. At this stage, the teacher can have a light discussion with the students related to the experience based on the result of their work

– Present and publish the project

The students present their text in classroom wall and in front of the class


Based on the discussion, The writer concludes that  the implementation of the project based learning in developing the students’ competence is successful. The writer uses 7 steps of the project based learning.. 1. Determine basic questions Before entering the material, the teacher should give basic questions related to the material to be studied. These questions can be packaged in case studies in the real world followed by more in-depth research.2. Drafting the project planning design Drafting the project design is collaborative. That is, cooperation between teachers and students. This design contains a number of points, such as rules of play, activities, and presentation.

3. Make an activity schedule After the teacher and students have compiled the design of the project planning, proceed with making an activity schedule. 4. Monitor the progress of students’ performance As long as students work on assigned projects, 5. Testing the results of student performance. 6. Evaluating experience Evaluation of experience in the form of reflection from activities that have been carried out. 7. Present and publish the project


Yasseri, Dar; at al. . (2018). “The hard work of soft skills: augmenting the project-based learning    experience with interdisciplinary teamwork”. Instructional Science. 

Markham, T. (2011). Project-Based Learning. Teacher Librarian, 39(2), 38-42.

Blumenfeld et al 1991, EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGIST, 26(3&4) 369-398 “Motivating Project-Based Learning: Sustaining the Doing, Supporting the Learning.” Phyllis C. Blumenfeld, Elliot Soloway, Ronald W. Marx, Joseph S. Krajcik, Mark Guzdial, and Annemarie Palincsar.

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